Research journal publications (*first author articles)
Following the electrochemical recovery of lithium-ion battery materials from molten salts using operando X-ray imaging
Extracting the cobalt from LiCoO2-LKE (recycling of lithium-ion batteries) using molten salt electrolysis - X-CT 3D microstructure visualisation to visualise the morphological evolution of the pyro-chemical process
A scalable and robust water management strategy for PEMFCs: Operando electrothermal mapping and neutron imaging study
Nature-inspired (lizard skin) fuel cell flow-field design for effective removal of excessive liquid water production during operation - capillary microchannels in conventional flow fields on two different fuel cell area sizes
Investigations into the dynamic acoustic response of lithium-ion batteries during lifetime testing
Using acoustic diagnostics techinques during dynamic pulse testing of batteries, complimented with temperature and thickness measurements
A nature-inspired solution for water management in flow fields for electrochemical devices
Nature-inspired chemical engineering approach to solving flooding issues in electrochemical devices - lizard skin
Up in smoke: Considerations for lithium-ion batteries in disposable e-cigarettes
Rechargable Li-ion battery cells are widely used in single-use e-cigarettes, although they have a capability of cycling over 700 times - Impact failure of the battery reaches 500 C - The disposal represents a huge waste of resources
Nonuniform compensation of current density distribution in polymer electrolyte fuel cells by local heating
Development of a 4D high-speed neutron imaging technique for imaging water distribution in a PEFC
Effect of an easy-to-implement water management strategy on peformance and degradation of polymer electrolyte fuel cells
Intermittent switching between dry and wet gas during operation to improve performance stability
Electrochemical recovery of lithium-ion battery materials from molten salts by microstructural characterisation using X-ray imaging
Study looking at the recovery of cobalt in battery materials using molten salt electrolysis as a method to recycle battery materials
High-speed 4D neutron computed tomography for quantifying water dynamics in polymer electrolyte fuel cells
Development of a 4D high-speed neutron imaging technique for imaging water distribution in a PEFC
Engineering catalyst layers for next-generation polymer electrolyte fuel cells: A review of design, materials and methods
Comprehensive review
Multi-length scale characterisation of compression on metal foam flow-field based fuel cells using X-ray computed tomography and neutron radiography
Compression process decreases pore size and narrows PSD of metal foams - Facilitates effective water removal due to high pressure drop
Effect of reactant gas flow orientation on the current and temperature distribution in self-heating polymer electrolyte fuel cells (*)
Self-heating in unheated PEFCs increases cell temperature and recovers voltage - Temperature distributions form by uneven current, reactant and water distributions - A uniform temperature distribution could minimise performance degradation over time
Microstructural evolution of battery electrodes during calendaring
Electrode with coarse architecture is prone to self-arrangement under calendaring - Calendaring exacerbates reaction heterogeneity and underutilisation of capacity
Use of X-ray computed tomography for understanding localised, along-the-channel degradation of polymer electrolyte fuel cells
Combined miniature fuel cell and X-ray CT - Significant regional variation in the extent of cathode degradation - Fuel cell carbon corrosion ASTs do not age electrodes homogeneously
Rapid preparation of geometrically optimal battery electrode samples for nano scale X-ray characterisation
Novel laser-milling technique to prepare geometrically optimal samples for X-ray nano-tomography
Characterisation of water management in metal foam flow-field based polymer electrolyte fuel cells using in-operando neutron radiography
Metal foam flow field enhances the uniformity in water distribution and is more tolerant to dehydration - Susceptible to flooding at low current density
Effect of extended short-circuting in proton exchange membrane fuel cells
Catalyst durability, performance, TEM and XPS analysis of short-circuiting when used as an operational strategy to maintain PEFC temperature, hydration and performance
A novel polymer electrolyte fuel cell flow-field: The through-plane array
Novel flow field concept for PEFC - Micro-hole array allows gas to exit under lands - Lower backpressure than parallel or serpentine designs
Effect of cell compression on the water dynamics of a polymer electrolyte fuel cell using in-plane and through-plane in-operando neutron radiography
Neutron radiography and X-ray CT study of PEFC compression
Water distribution mapping in polymer electrolyte fuel cells using lock-in thermography (*)
New diagnostic technique using frequency variation thermal imaging to map the water distribution and sub-surface structure of the PEFC - Technique can be applied to any object, not just fuel cells, to image the internal structure
Adjusted method to calculate an electric wheelchair power cycle: fuel cell implementation example (*)
Microtrip methodology to estimate power consumption of power wheelchair - Drive and power cycles - 160W FC for 521 km electric range and reduced lead-acid battery pack mass by 88%
Effect of compression on the water management of polymer electrolyte fuel cells: An in-operando neutron radiography study
Mechanical compression effect on water management. Increased compression leads to larger water droplet build-up
Investigation of water generation and accumulation in polymer electrolyte fuel cells using hydro-electrochemical impedance imaging
New diagnostic technique applied to water management in PEFCs
A lung-inspired printed circuit board polymer electrolyte fuel cell
Layer-wise PCB-based fractal lung-inspired cathode flow field - Cost effective and light weight method of fractal flow field development - Enhanced performance over serpentine flow field over a range of operating conditions and improved water management
Design of experiments to generate a fuel cell electro-thermal performance map and optimise transitional pathways (*)
Air-cooled, open-cathode PEFC - Electro-thermal maps - Design of experiments (DoE)
Integration of supercapacitors into printed circuit boards
Supercapacitor embedding in PCB design for flexible power systems - Proof-of-concept using commercial carbons in aqueous and all-solid state devices - High volumetric energy density of 0.5 mW cm-3 in all-solid state devices - Potential integration with established low-cost PCB fuel cells
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